The 5 Ways to build momentum for yourself and your team

In January, we encouraged you to reflect on 2021. How did that go for you? The reflection should help set the stage for the new year and begin building momentum for you.

Today begins the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese New Year. The tiger is courageous, competitive, and ready for any challenge. Sounds like an ideal representation for leaders ready to build momentum for themselves and their team after the last two pandemic-filled years.

It's a perfect time to discern how you are building momentum for a successful 2022. Here are five things to do to build momentum.

FIRST: Momentum in 2022 start with your vision. Here is a tool from the workbook called My Fulfilling Life to help you visualize what you want your life to be this year and in the future. Going forward, choose work and life goals, decisions, and behaviors that align with your vision. Once you know what success looks like, you can share it to inspire others.

SECOND: Anticipate and eliminate obstacles that sabotage your vision. Whether it is people who zap your energy or outdated systems that stymie results, take care of it. Right now, outline the steps needed to handle one or two things that could get in you and your team’s way. and don’t let those things drag on this year.

THIRD: Commit to your top three big goals for the year. Use your vision to discern three goals that would position you and your team closer to your mission this year, then outline the steps, resources, and timing. Block time on your schedule to work on and assess progress toward the big three goals for the year. The deeper you commit to yourself and your team, the better you will be at inspiring others to commit too.

FOURTH: Build in inspiration. Today, identify three things you can do to stay energized and motivated toward the big three goals. And, mark your calendar for every seven weeks to assess whether those three actions need updated. They will get stale and need to be updated throughout the year. Don’t wait until you get burned out to recognize it. Instead, seek inspiration on purpose regularly.

FIFTH: Be courageous by thinking big and by starting over if/when you need to. The three goals might need to change as other elements in life change throughout the year. Be ready and open to changes. Pivot and keep moving forward. There’s no glory in being stuck. Keep going forward.

Define your vision for the year to have any chance of momentum for yourself and your team. Be deliberate, and you can make it happen way better than if you just wait and hope. That cross-your-fingers-and-hope method of success doesn't really work out well anyway.

Approach 2022 like a tiger: courageous, competitive, and ready for any challenge.


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