Our policy is to respect your time and protect your privacy.

Our #1 promise: Relevant usage of your data!
When you join our VIP list or sign up for an event, you will receive by email special items not shared elsewhere--articles, data, invitations, surveys, custom leadership tools (free!), and a special gift! You may hear from us a few times a month—some months more than others if there is really great stuff to send.

When you voluntarily send us emails, questions, stories, photos and/or other materials, you are authorizing the use of the communications and materials on our website and in social media.

Our #2 promise: We protect your data!
Your information helps us serve you, and others like you, well. Allowing our cookies helps us know what parts of the website are most relevant, so the rest can be dropped or altered. We reasonably attempt to ensure that we never intentionally disclose any personal information about you to any third party without your permission through opting in, emailing us, or other means.

Your data is protected three ways: (1) We protect it behind firewalled networks and limit access to it. Our lists and your transactions are never shared with vendors of ours outside those who need to execute work (for example, the email vendor Constant Contact, Squarespace). (2) Our website is scanned for security holes regularly. Third-party links we may include on the site are not protected by us (for example, You Tube). (3) Your data is never sold by us to anyone. Ever.

Our #3 promise: You can reach us directly any time.
Our contact information below is available 24/7. Someone will respond to concerns you send about your data within 24 hours.

We appreciate you and treat your data with care. No exceptions.