Our Commitment to CSR
At Voyage Consulting Group (VCG), we see the value of business and how business fits into the bigger picture of the world. Whether we view the world with an eagle-eye view or the honeybee view, we see business’s ability to positively impact the world. We’re doing our part by helping other companies prioritize purpose, people, and profit.
We also do the following to directly impact our communities:
Sponsorship of mission-aligned events
Career transition coaching and tools provided free or pay-it-forward (all proceeds get donated)
Donations in honor of our clients since our founder’s original consulting firm launched in 2002
Commitment to the United Nation’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development. (Click here to learn more about the UN’s SDGs)
2018 was the first year Voyage committed to the UN’s SDGs. We gave ourselves a “C” for our performance in 2018, a B+ in 2019, and a solid B for 2020 and 2021. View the summaries of prior years: 2018, 2019, 2020-2021. The pandemic impacted our efforts in 2020 and 2021, and we are fired up to earn an A in 2022. The 2022 commitment is below. Join us!