Beware of dinosaurs!

One positive from 2020 is more companies welcoming modern needs for work-life balance (WLB). Many CEOs recognize the upside in acquisition, retention, and performance.

Many see the impact on humans and care about that!

Not the CEO of #GoldmanSachs (GS) though.

Mr. Solomon said work from home (WFH) is an "aberration and we're going to correct it as soon as possible." Correct it!?!

In a talk last week at Credit Suisse’s annual virtual financial services forum, Mr. Solomon claimed WFH negatively impacts the GS culture of "innovative apprenticeships." If that were the case, couldn't they design ways to make it work? You know, since they are so innovative and all.

If GS were harmed by WFH, their financial results sure don’t show it. Their 2020 annual revenue of $44 billion was its highest since 2009. Their stock is up 50% YOY.

So, what’s the real problem? 

What are leaders like Mr. Solomon and cultures like GS really missing when their people are not in the office?

Their culture is missing things that put the “cult” in culture

💥The ability to influence every aspect of employees’ lives from work to working out and networks.

💥Peer pressure to skate close to regulations, over-promise results, and work more hours. (George Costanza's car anyone?)

💥The influence of ego-feeding and self-aggrandizement. (Perhaps Mr. Solomon’s ego is not boosted at home as much as at the office?)

Companies and CEOs who care about their people are open to changes that empower people in their own lives. They do not want to “correct” those changes with antiquated rules.

Mr. Solomon is not the only leader with outdated thinking, nor is he the worst out there. Beware of dinosaurs! Don’t let them infiltrate your life or cause you to sacrifice your core values.

Beware of dinosaurs and don’t become one.



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