Once the
shock and awe wore down, my thoughts turned toward innovation.
brain suddenly went, “Let’s get three guys to do weird stuff like paint with
balls in their mouths and stupid stuff like cram cereal in their mouths. And,
let’s have them wear blue masks covering their whole faces! And, let’s not let
them talk at all! And, let’s get the audience involved! And, let’s charge people
money to watch them!”
Use the Z Model to encourage innovation. Where are you on
the Model? Are you the idea person who sees things differently? Or, are you the
one to get others involved on the way to figuring it out? Or, maybe you are the
detailed person who likes figuring out how to make things happen? Or, you could
be the person who gets it done. Which are you?
If you aren’t the first person, resist the temptation to burst the bubble of an idea. Instead, encourage it to grow. There will be plenty of time to figure out the details and whether the idea could really work or not. But, there’s no chance if our tendency is to stifle creativity right off the bat. Let the creative minds foster ideas.
Who thought of that? How
would the conversation go when they tried to gain support? Something like this,
Clyde, I have this idea for three blue men who perform stunts without
yeah, Bonnie, that would never work. Go schedule Kenny G.”
came up with the idea and someone encouraged it.
to a 2012 Fortune article, an average of 60,000 people a week attend
Blue Man Group performances in six cities around the world — not including the
touring shows — at an average ticket price of $59, or roughly $3.54 million in
revenue a week from sellouts.
What do
you think about that? Isn’t that remarkable, considering how hard it is to get
people to think outside the box and be creative?
It makes
me wonder what if we’re missing in our daily jobs. What if the writers of Blue
Man Group came to your workplace? How would they view your organization? As more companies encourage more
innovation, let’s get in the habit of thinking about Blue Man Group.
What Would Blue Man Group Do?
If you aren’t the first person, resist the temptation to burst the bubble of an idea. Instead, encourage it to grow. There will be plenty of time to figure out the details and whether the idea could really work or not. But, there’s no chance if our tendency is to stifle creativity right off the bat. Let the creative minds foster ideas.
If you
are the first person, resist the temptation to hold on to your ideas too long.
You might not be the best person to move an idea forward, so involve others and
let them do their part. When the creative thinkers resist the rest of
the innovative participants, they stifle themselves.
brain came up with Blue Man Group—probably, a team of brains. And, others
supported them, and others made it happen. Think about them as you create a
culture of innovation at your workplace.